Our Services

  • Do you want to purchase a business and need help through the entire process?
  • Are you seeking to acquire a business for immigration purposes and need professional guidance?
  • Do you have a business in mind, which is for sale, and you wish to remove yourself from direct negotiations?
  • Do you have a business in mind and would like a buyer’s agent to find out if the owners are interested in selling?
  • Are you keen on a specific industry and need help finding a business within that industry?
  • Do you want to make more money through a business acquisition?
  • Are you looking to expand your business or buy out a competitor?
  • Do you have a specific area or existing site in mind?

The ABBA Group offers a variety of services that can assist. Please click on the icons below to read more about our services.

  • Buyer’s Agent
  • Valuing a Business
  • Finance
  • Preparing Tenancy Application
  • Developing a Business Plan
  • Buyer’s agent – Residential
  • Auction Bidding
To learn more about our services and how we can help you search for and secure your next business please contact us on 1300 064 944.

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To learn more about our services and how we can help you search for and secure your next business please contact us on 1300 064 944.